Dec 7, 2007

The $1.2m mobile phone for Russian playboys

Russia held a millionaire fair recently, where all the recently minted oil executives got to do a nice bit of conspicuous consuming in front of the world's media.

We weren't invited, what with the show's target audience of "consumers of the high-end luxury segment, VIP’s, the political, administrative, business and cultural elite."

The prize buy at the show was that disgustingly gaudy thing pictured there - a $1.2m mobile phone, which is a customised Vertu if we're not very much mistaken. It comes with a free Bentley to drive it around in, plus it's covered in those shiny things that girls refer to as "diamonds" and "gold."

No tech specs were handed out about the phone's capabilities, which is a bit of a disgrace - imagine spending loads of money on a much-hyped new mobile phone only to discover it's not 3G...

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