Sep 17, 2008

Download Free Google Maps for your phone

Sometimes you just want to figure out where am I, where should I head for and how should I go there. When you find yourself in a fix, Google maps is an application which lets you roam with freedom, without carrying any paper maps. What you need to do is just download Google maps into your mobile phone and navigate through maps on the move. With Google maps as the official release by Google, experience the power in your hands.
The key features of Google maps include:
1. Google maps shows the satellite and map views of the area which you want to look on, with this feature you can zoom or unzoom into the maps and it functions as it would on a desktop screen.
2. My location is a newly introduced feature which is currently in beta mode. This feature lets you narrow in on the location you are currently in and you can even navigate within 1000 meters without any gps system. This feature works on the information it receives from the nearest broadcasting tower.
3.Transit directions is an another new feature by which you can check for the bus schedules and plan out the changes you need to make during your journey.
4. Getting step by step driving directions is now made easy by my location feature as you don’t have to key in your current location.
5. Google maps provide you well integrated search results. You can search the name of any business you want. Just type in the desired word and making calls to the business is also a one touch procedure.
6. Google maps also provide a real time picture of the traffic. The different regions are marked by different colors depending upon the traffic density.
7. You can also bookmark your favorite location on the map where you would want to return in some point in time.
All these features make Google maps a very brilliant experience. But what most people are looking forward to is the voice command feature blended with Google maps, so that they can easily navigate to a particular place without even typing the name of the location

Download Google Map

Supported List of Phones:
Nokia: 2600 classic, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2660, 2760, 2855, 2855i, 2865, 2865i, 3109 classic, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3500, 3555, 3600 slide, 5000, 5070, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5220 XpressMusic, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5500, 5610, 5700, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6110 Navigator, 6111, 6120c, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6151, 6155, 6165, 6165i, 6170, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6255i, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6290, 6300, 6301, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 6822, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7610, 7710, 8600 Luna, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 9300, 9300i, 9500, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N70, N70-1, N71, N72, N73, N75, N77, N78, N80-1, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, Nokia N81 8GB
Motorola: i930, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, TETRA PDA, RIZR Z10, RIZR Z8, i830, i850, A1200, A760, A780, C290, C380, C385, C650, E1000, E398, ROKR E6, E680, K1, PEBL U6, RAZR2 V9, V1050, V1075, V180, V220, V235, V300, V303, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, V400, V500, V525, V535, V550, V551, V557, V600, V620, V635, V80, V980
Sony-Ericsson: G700, G900, M600i, P1i, P990i, W950i, W960, F500i, J300i, K300, K500i, K550i, K600, K700, K750, K790i, K800i, K810i, K850i, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, S700, V600, W200i, W580i, W600i, W660i, W800i, W810i, W850i, W880i, W900i, W910i, Z1010, Z500, Z800, C702, C902, D750, D750i, G502, J220i, J300a, K200i, K300a, K300i, K310, K310a, K310i, K320i, K508, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K530i, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K630, K660i, K700c, K700i, K750i, K770, K790a, K800iv, S500i, S700i, S710a, T250i, T650i, V600i, V630i, W200a, W300, W300i, W350, W380, W550c, W550i, W600c, W610i, W700i, W710i, W760, W810iv, W830i, W850iv, W890i, Z300i, Z310i, Z310iv, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i, Z550a, Z550i, Z555, Z558i, Z610i, Z710i, Z750

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