Mar 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton 3am phone ad features Obama supporter

If you don't believe the media makes the news and not the other way around, check out this story.

Apparently, the now 17-year-old Casey Knowles was featured in the now infamous 3am phone ad, which insinuates that only Hillary Clinton has the experience to deal with a 3am world crisis call to the White House.

Anyway, the big scandal is apparently Knowles, who appeared as an 8-year-old sleeping from footage shot ten years ago, really supports Barack Obama, not Hillary.

(Oh, Snap!)

Now in reality, there’s not even the appearance of wrong doing here, Hillary’s campaign legally bought the ten year old video of Knowles from Getty Images, but when has reality had anything to do with politics? Score one for team Obama.

Anyway, if you’ve been living under a rock, here’s the original 3am phone ad that’s started this all.

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