KODi supports the following languages translations:
English-Czech, German-Czech, French-Czech, Spanish-Czech, English-German, English-French, English-Spanish, English-Slovak, English-Finnish, English-Croatian, English-Italian, English-Dutch, English-Norwegian, English-Polish, English-Turkish, German-French, German-Spanish, German-Slovak, German-Italian, German-Dutch, German-Norwegian, German-Polish, German-Portuguese, German-Turkish, English-Esperanto, English-Hiligaynon, English-Swahili, English-Tagalog
It will support a large number of language translations, with high quick speed of operation with efficient data storage.
KODi free dictionary has good user friendly interface, it will let you find a single term and if the term is not found it will suggest the most similar term.
All the translations which you do could be easily traced in the dictionary - this could be very useful when finding synonyms or precise meaning of a word
Compatible Phones for this Application
All nokia and sony erricson mobile phones which are java based Java (J2ME) can run KODi free dictionary. Source...
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