Aug 30, 2008

A headset that talks back to you !

Winner of the best cell phone accessory at CTIA this past spring, the Blueant V1 headset has been officially launched. It is listed at Amazon for $119.99 and at MobileCity Online for $99.99, with an expected availability of Aug 29th. The innovative new Bluetooth headset features a unique voice user interface that allows you to speak commands to the headset, access a verbal help system and check on the headset status. No funky LEDs to decipher or fumbling around looking for buttons, just talk to your headset and tell it what to do. Some of the supported commands include “Pair me”, “Call Back” and “Redial”. It will also speak the number of any incoming calls and ask you if you want to “Answer” or “Ignore” the call. Sweet! Now if we could just get it to do the all the talking when your boss calls about that proposal that was due yesterday… Source...

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