Jul 25, 2008

Lost Your Cellphone? Protect Your Data

It can be a scary time when your cell phone goes missing. First of all, it’s an expensive item and you’ll be out cash. You’ll also be out a phone, which, in this day and age can feel like a crisis. Even so, we’re overlooking on of the most terrifying aspects of losing a cell phone–your data.

I mean, cell phones are no longer just cell phones. They’re filled with your personal information. Contacts, e-mails, text messages, web browsing history–you name it! And should misplace your phone or it ends up stolen, all of that valuable info could be at the fingertips of an identity thief. But now you don’t have to worry, because a superhero of sorts can swoop in to save the day.

Well, not exactly. But YouGetItBack.com is now offering a unique service that lets you lock your cell phone so that the only outgoing phone call can be to YouGetItBack and whoever finds your phone can help get it back to you. Pretty neat, really. You can also retrieve your contacts list from your missing phone.

However, the service does not work on every cell phone yet. Source...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This info has shorten my fears.

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