Mar 15, 2008

Fancy some free online storage for your mobile?

Course you do, you just didn’t know that such a thing existed. And why should you? Though online storage sites and services are nothing new, they have been skipped over in the potentially massive mobile space where storage is of much more concern than in the PC market.

Enter a new mobile compatible online storage service that offers up to 30GB for free. Not only that, but you can share your space with friends, make use of automatic file synchronizing to avoid duplicates and even embed a humyo media player widget on your blog or personal website (we are hoping that means social networking sites like Facebook too) that streams content such as photos and music from your online archive.

How about three cheers for common sense? This is a fantastic idea as far as we are concerned and makes even more sense for mobiles than PCs. In fact we are pretty startled that nobody has gotten to this sooner so kudos to the folks at humyo for taking the first brave steps towards mobile. As mentioned before signing up is free and all users are entitled to 30GB of storage. As mobile phones become increasingly connected perhaps services like humyo could spell the end for expensive memory cards - who knows?

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