Dec 7, 2007

St. Christina and other Patron Saints on your cell phone

Getting saved in Christianity is a bargain; all you have to is accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your person savior. Where they get you is the merchandising…

An Italian company has began to sell pictures of Italian saints to download to your cell phone. It will cost three euros per dead person; and for a small additional fee they’ll also throw in a weekly theme prayer to your phone.

While even John Paul II who’s not a saint yet, and Benedict XVI, who isn’t even dead yet are included; no word if the St. Christina Patron Saints are included. St. Christina was tortured by and nearly murdered by her sadistic father when she tried to interfere with his hedonistic lifestyle. An angel would eventually save Christina from drowning while her father the magistrate Urbain died, yes literally, of spite.

Trust me, those are the types of saints that look the most interesting on the back of baseball cards.

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