Dec 19, 2007

Newspaper in the mobile for Sweden people

In Sweden, people in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter want their rotating read whenever, wherever they may be and how that can be. You do not hesitate to propose the system as a mobile phone to receive news of the day always.

In an era when information is updated instantly Swedes want the ease with the world, just by pressing a button on the phone for free and receive instant newspaper of the day.

We can do it for free because they subscribed to your newspaper, which costs about 20 euros per month. What information did not indicate whether the terminal is on loan, is bought by a reduced price or with a gift subscription for instance year.

1 comment:

rajF9 said...

Mobile Phone Newspaper - get news on m paper

After the grand success of E-paper now comes the M-paper.
M-paper technology gives the opportunity for content publishers as well as news carrier to offer daily newspaper on a mobile screen in their original format.
User can access their favorite newspaper content while on the move. It is not like the traditional SMS news alert, which offers only the headline of the story. It will contain the entire content of the news; it’s like the replication of newspaper pages which will allow one to get the same experience as reading the hard-copy edition

According to Eurostat there are more number of mobile phones than people, around 80% of the World’s population enjoys mobile phone. Mobile phones are often taken on trips abroad as they are good way of staying in touch and this mobile life style made the News Agency to introduce “mobile phone newspaper” i.e. m paper technology which delivers newspaper to mobile devices who want news on the move.

When the first mobile phone newspaper was launched it was currently free of charge but seeing the worldwide demand for this products and services Agencies made monthly subscription which is even cheaper than the newspaper.

Features of M-Paper-

M- Paper is unique it offers features like archives, search & saving news item.
m - Paper has the advantage of being interactive with photographs, matrimonial, entertainment, latest music albums and all contents available in the hard copy format.
It also offers regional content in different regions of the country.

Source:Pressmart and IMImobile provide the availability of mPaper.
Pressmart has many leading newspapers, providing branded content using its ePublishing products. By combining IMImobile's mobile data technology with Pressmart's epaper technology they deliver revolutionary products to the customers. Pressmart with IMImobile deliver exciting new mPaper solutions.