Dec 7, 2007

Google Interface Optimized for the iPhone

If you've noticed Google's homepage looks a bit different on your iPhone, don't worry, you're not hallucinating. The company quietly rolled out a revamped mobile interface late Tuesday evening that gives iPhone users (and iPhone users only) access to many of Google's core services from one simple, streamlined menu. Now, the Homepage/search box, Gmail, Calendar, Reader, as well as other features like Docs, SMS, GOOG-411 and Notebook are all accessible from a menu bar at the top of the page.

Additionally, Google announced on Wednesday that it has tweaked the Google Reader Mobile interface and added the ability to dynamically include a blogroll of your feeds on your site.

Given Google's close ties to Apple, the move isn't all that surprising. In fact, we can probably expect even more tinkering with brower interfaces and technologies (like AJAX) as Google continues to work on Android over the next few months. Apple's iPhone may even end up being a type of testing ground for these experiments. To peep the new interface for yourself, simply point Safari to:

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